The Future is Cloud Text

Markus Stuppnig

Personal Website

Hi, I’m Markus.

Nice to meet you. This website is kind of like a blog; I just add what I'm interested in at the time. Please don't hesitate to reach out. 🌸

My experience

Giesecke+Devrient Software Architect

Summer Internship - Dubai, United Arabic Emirates

Developing an unbeatable competitor analysis platform for market intelligence. Retrieving data from competitors websites and digital identity content creators on social media and saving it to a database.

This data contains business strategies, prices, products and features and will be fed into an LLM which summarizes and analyzes it as well as recommending ways to improve sales. Finally, a report will be sent to the C-Levels via mail automatically every month.

July 2024 - August 2024

Technologisches Gerwerbemuseum

ISCED 5 - Data Science - Vienna, Austria

Having returned from america and completed my summer internship, I now find myself back in 12th grade in Vienna. I have decided to pursue the Data Science track within the system technology branch, as I find it the most interesting.

September 2023 - present

Siemens Software Engineer

Summer Internship - Vienna, Austria

Adding a SaaS feature to import offline SimBench powergrids into an internal powergrid of a Network Analysis Tool for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).

Visualizing powerflow and state estimation data with an Angular WebServer that sends requests to a Java Backend via Spring Boot on the same machine for offline usage.

July 2023 - August 2023

Washington Community High School

ISCED 3 - Exchange Semester - Washington, Illinois

Grateful for the opportunity to experience American education during my exchange semester in Illinois.

I am a proud recipient of an Honorary High School Diploma from Washington Community High School, acknowledging the completion of graduation requirements. This semester has taught me so much and I truly value the time I spent there and the friends I made.

December 2022 - May 2023

Technologisches Gerwerbemuseum

ISCED 5 - Information Technology - Vienna, Austria

I am very proud to consider myself a student of this technologically advanced school. My interest in technology dates back to my early childhood, and this school has truly allowed me to blossom.

As an active member of the students parliament, my goal is to improve cooperation among all 2200 students and create a better study environment for everyone.

September 2020 - December 2022


ISCED 2 - Bundes Real Gymnasium - Vienna, Austria

Due to my huge interest in mathematics, I decided to pursue my education in the mathematics oriented track (Realgymnasium).

September 2016 - June 2020


"Markus has a solid grasp of Python programming. He’s at the stage where he can confidently navigate the language, and he’s not afraid to dive into new challenges or problem-solving scenarios. His grasp of basic web technologies is also commendable for his age, showing an appreciation for the broader context of his work.

Working with Markus is a genuine pleasure. He brings a positive attitude to every interaction, making him a friendly and approachable collaborator. He’s also shown a knack for explaining his thoughts clearly, which is a critical skill in any technical role.

What really stands out about Markus is his aspiration to become an engineer. His fascination with technology and eagerness to learn more clearly indicate this ambition. He’s always seeking to improve his skills, adapt to new technologies, and explore the latest trends.

In conclusion, Markus Stuppnig is a promising young talent with a keen interest in technology and engineering. His curiosity, dedication, and growing skill set make him a great fit for any team looking to nurture future talent. I’m confident that Markus will make significant strides in his pursuit of becoming an engineer, and I wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone seeking a young, enthusiastic, and capable individual for their team."

Portrait of Benjamin Knauss

Benjamin Knauss

Vice President, Security Engineering at News Corp

November 25, 2023, Benjamin was Markus’ mentor